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Here at Abbotsford Road, we take pride in empowering our valued wholesale cafe partners and their dedicated employees. Our comprehensive training program covers a range of essential courses designed to elevate your coffee game to the next level. Whether you're interested in the nuances of bean processing, the art of crafting the perfect espresso, mastering the delicate skill of milk steaming, creating captivating latte art, or ensuring the longevity and cleanliness of your equipment through proper machine maintenance, our expert trainers are here to guide you. With years of experience as a coffee roaster, we understand the importance of delivering exceptional coffee experiences to your customers. Join us for an enriching journey that will enhance your coffee knowledge and skills, setting you apart as a true coffee professional. Let's brew greatness together!



Our Processing class delves into the intricacies of coffee bean preparation. Learn about the distinctions between washed and natural processing methods, discover the secrets of roasting, and understand the impact of oxidization on coffee flavor. This foundational course sets the stage for a deeper appreciation of coffee craftsmanship.



Master the art of creating the perfect espresso shot in our Espresso class. Explore topics such as proper extraction techniques, the balance between over-extraction and under-extraction, and how to taste and analyze espresso like a connoisseur. We'll also uncover the origins and meanings behind traditional Italian espresso sizes.

Milk Steaming

Milk Steaming

Achieve the velvety texture and consistency that makes your coffee creations stand out. Our Milk Steaming class focuses on proper milk steaming techniques and the art of creating microfoam. Whether you're an aspiring barista or a seasoned pro, this class will help you craft the perfect latte and cappuccino every time.

Latte Art

Latte Art

Elevate your coffee presentation with our Latte Art class. Discover the secrets to achieving flawless placement, symmetry, and definition in your latte art designs. Whether you're interested in classic rosettas or innovative latte art creations, this class will unleash your creativity and impress your customers.

Machine Maintenance

Machine Maintenance

Keeping your coffee equipment in top-notch condition is essential for delivering quality beverages. Our Machine Maintenance class covers the ins and outs of equipment health and sanitation. Learn how to backflush and properly clean group heads and wands, ensuring your coffee machines remain reliable and hygienic for your cafΓ© operations.